Saturday, December 10, 2011


scraped by a layer of fog
ever slowly
shadow cuts across her brow
deepening darkness
obliteration of the
pearl in the sky.

I know she is still there
but I must cross milleniums
to conjure the power that is
and was
return to the time when
women ovulated as One
as she rolled and waxed through the stars
rendered Venus and Jupiter dull
faint in the swell of tides and eggs

Damn, it's dark out here.
I sit cross-legged on the womb-silent earth
a purring cat snuggles tween my breasts
nibbles my chin
I await her return
a brilliant Luna sliver
to slice the eons
that I might re-member

follow the winter night light
into streaks of dawn.


  1. Oh Christina! This is gorgeous. Send it into WeMoon. La Luna has certainly been lighting up our nights this week, and you put it into words.
